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Spacecraft Reference

Lightwave Models:
Centauri Vorchan Cruiser
EarthForce One




The Babylon 5 / Crusade Artwork Collection and Definitive Spacecraft Reference

These are the newest renderings... now including the Star Trek universe!  Just click on the graphic for the
larger version!

Psi-War 2264 Promotional Poster

"It's a Trap!"


Mitchell's Demise




Peacekeepers at Dawn


A Sky Full of Stars...


Encounter at Zagros 7


Drakh Chase


Thirdspace Assault


Garabaldi's Patrol




Warning Shot


Warp Speed!



Babylon 5 and related indicia are ™ and ã PTEN, Babylonian Productions, Turner Network Television, and Warner Brothers, Inc.
Star Trek and all related indicia are ™ and ã
Viacom and Paramount Pictures.
All 3D Models are ã
to their respective owners listed on the "Credits" page.
All Graphic Composition, Animations, and CGI Renderings on this website are ã Craig P. Condu and are not to be reproduced in any media format or website, or a for-profit project without prior permission.

Copyright ã 2000 Craig P. Condu - Epsilon Jumpgate.  All rights reserved.